28 August 2009


i have a typewrite, hence, i don't really write here that much. well, not that anyone has particularly noticed. besides my father, hello there, but you have probably given up by now too.

'drown in the music and be saved'

this was nice, a nice quote. i thought i'd post it.


Unknown said...

No Hon check it every couple of days or so

Nice quote

Befuddled said...

I looke!

by the way - i went around saying "despite what Morrissey would say..." for weeks... i thought it was profound... : )

Also, i dont mean to be rude i've just had a bout of anti-email (proabably cause there's loads of angry ones waiting for me shouting at me to bring work in to school which i havent done...)

I still have your letter - thats so bad of me, im sorry. i'll try to get to it after exam weeks! (does that sound as weak as i think?)