Firstly I would like to wish the rather excellently odd Kelly a rather belated Happy Birthday!!

Recently I was bought a book called 100 Great Irish Jokes, to which the following joke was published:
Kelly (Kelly as in man Kelly, as in not this Kelly. Yes.) was having trouble telling his two horses apart until one day he realised the white horse was two hands taller than the black horse.
Took me quite awhile to figure out but ey! Happy Birthday Kelly! Hope the world of 16 is treating you well.

And today (I do honestly do things, like work, but films are so great, I just try and fit as many as I can in. Its that whole idea of being immersed in someone elses life, its like facebook but actually cultured), I saw 'Let The Right One In'. The movie, filmed in Stockholm, was utterly disturbing. Which may have been the point, I guess Not necessarily the whole vampire, blood, 'heads will roll' (and they do, indeed, they do), that was disturbing, but not in the same sense as the psychology behind it and all the hidden, unsaid things. There are points in the film where your gripping your seat, or the poor person next to you, making high pitched whining noises. Its very, very scary, yet some how remaining innocent, there's such an innocence to the children in the film despite the very adult situations that surround them. I don't quite know what to think of it. I do suggest seeing it, though. Perhaps I shall form a judgment after I have stopped looking over my shoulder and clutching my throat, and looking in trees. Which shall hopefully be soon. Stunning cinematography though, a photograph in every frame and Eli's eyes were enormous, she did look supernatural in some sense or another.
Rather looking forward to the release of ' The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus', the last film starring Heath Ledger. The following movie still depicts the very beautiful Lily Cole in a very pretty wig. Shes a ginger by the way. I wonder if she gets abused on the street.

To explain, one day, in the not too distant past, walking down the street at 9 in the morning I noticed a skin head, in full gear, Docs, tartan shirt, rolled up jeans and braces following me. Thinking it to just be coincidence I turned into Myers to be greeted by his lovely comment of 'you belong in a zoo'. To which I laughed. Stupidly. Or maybe bravely. Yes, I think I will accept that. Its a serious issue. People need to know. Gingers are people too.
Listening to 'Left for Dead' by Mum Smokes at the moment which is a bit of jittery rock with eerie undertones, quite cool. Also, check out 'Streamers' by Umpire, both of which are available for free download on the triple j website. Possibly one of my favorite songs of this month is 'Le Marin' by Babet, good stuff.
Have a good weekend.
thanx for comment over at my blog.
I NEED NEED NEED the "bad tourist jumper" you mentioned in an earlier post, it sounds just incroyable.
I wish i had good moveis showing in my home!
Thankyou for the mention, love.
Be well, go to the library soon so i can have a letter, dear.
Thanks for the lovely comment. How did you come across my blog?
Gingers are amazing obviously, I find it so weird that people some places harass people about it! I get nothing but love here.
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