24 January 2009


Well, finally access to internet, my mother said I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms but I feel perfectly happy, maybe because I am on the internet but I'm in a library with people behind. I am kind of self conscious, especially about my spelling errors. I can't seem to be able to spell anything! Nevermind, so, I am finally in Adelaide. Guess what? Its really beautiful, hot, but at least the sun is shining and the airs clean and I have done some lovely shopping and picnics. The other day I went to my local op shop (I have one! Can you believe it?!) and picked up a lovely, olive skirt, rainbow straw bag and a waist belt for six dollars in total, so I'll post those pictures later.

Yesterday was fantastic went down to Wilunga to see the fifth leg of the tour down under with my my pop culture genius friend Hannah. Picked up some raspberry soap, a vintage badge and vegan puffs. They have all these lovely markets here and its so lovely and..country? Although I feel as if, especially when the band musics playing, that someone is bound to be murdered. but this isn't Midsomer, so hopefully not. But it is Adelaide, weird murder Captial of the world (thank you Dexter), so theres a chance.

Today down to my local market and bought a cactus. So I looked a bit like a twat carrying this cactus around the stalls as I bought it first but now I can start my collection again.

Its a long post and sorry I have no photos, but once I get my internet then I'll over load my limit.

Have a fantastic day! x

18 January 2009

one step ahead

Leaving tomorrow morning. Slightly stressed. No easy access to Internet and where the heck is my calculator?

15 January 2009

Yes, I Mean Gates

I have around five days left till the big move! Still sorting through my things, hence the drawings, scanned in case I lose them. I have so many things, its because I collect everything, I mean everything. I have collections of glass bottles to records to cacti to post cards, which was probably the hardest thing to pack up as I had arranged them so perfectly on my wall. But there we go, packed in a box to be opened later with great joy. I have over 300 different post cards that I've sourced from art exhibitions, war museums, French vintage shops, tourist shops and the all easy free stands (which are so utterly wonderful I take about five of each, who else will take them? They just get thrown out in the end).

I really must stop hoarding, its getting almost like an illness, who needs a collection of 70's polyester ties? I don't even try the Avril look.

Yesterday, I watched "The Grinch", which was the first movie I saw when I came to Singapore. We saw it as a family in some dingy old cinema where you'd be usually the only person there besides the creepy old guy in the back picking his toe nails that also seemingly was the cleaner. Watching the film now (its our Christmas film, no we don't watch, Miracle on Em Street or whatever, I think I got that title completely wrong, we watch "The Grinch") I never realised how risqué it actually is, it indicates towards wife swapping, gayness and among other things the Grinch yells at one point, "the powder is bitchin'". Not that I'm complaining, as a young naive girl I had no idea, but now my youth has sort of worn off, sadly and things are less magical. Yet, the film is still, with my new found understanding, good. And that dog should get some kind of award, "Max" was awesome.

Looking forward to getting this over with and being all packed and oragnised. Also, the hope of seeing Neil Finn at Womadelaide! Heres some more drawings.

Lastly, a list of recent outboxes, which may explain why people barely sms me.

"Its slum not flum"

"If only, if only, I would sell my kidney for that"

"Calm yourself, you may get over excited and spasm"

"I plan to eat their avocados"

"Could you imagine a pool of liver?"

"Why doctor it sure is bigger on the inside"

"The we must burn him"

"Her gaiagaiagag thats who"

"But what about Mason?!"

"Aw at least you will be the blonde abba member and not the red head"

"Nothing just everyone gates each other and yes, I mean gates"

Now theres an insight into my life. Have a good one. xx

13 January 2009

Undercover Lover

The Mystery Jets (Jan 11th) concert was amazing! I'm kicking myself I didn't stay later when Blaine came out to DJ, but I'm not really a smoke machine/electro dancer, but still, it was fantastic! Well worth the hushed calls in school toliet cubicles trying to confirm tickets.

The group came out around nine in matching glittery get up looking rather spectacular and very different from their previous "hippy" like image. The group played an amazing set with new hits, like "Half in Love with Elizabeth", "Two Doors Down" and "Young Love" ("Flakes" was some what magical for me, how corny is that? But honestly, Blaine Harrisons voice is magical) plus old favorites like "Alas Agnes", "The Boy Who Ran Away" and "Diamonds in the Dark" to come back with an encore of "Can't Fool Me Dennis", with Henry Harrison singing in the back, that was really sweet.

My favorite part was probably, well theres a toss up between in "Alas Agnes" when an audience member beat them in the start to the "it all ended up in tears" and the band all smiled or the Dennis sing-a-long, which was the song I was hooked on back in 2006, scrawled on my school diary and phone and people thought I had some secret lover. I finally felt like one of them "true" fans.

Plus! In "Behind the Bunhouse", Daleks featured in the backing video, what else can rate cool?

Photo by E. Cooper (that makes it professional, innit?)

9 January 2009

The Dog Days are Over

I have some amazing "tunes" to share.

Start with something amazing. The lovely "Florence and the Machine", a sort of edgier, rockier version of Kate Nash, you may have heard "Kiss with a Fist", the angry love/hate relationship song where she looks like an indie-kid Alice in Wonderland . But the best is "Dogs Days are over", although the video kind of echoes MGMT's LSD trip/ face painting idea, its really, simply cool. Florence's voice is a bellow, a force. It does make you want to get up and shout, creating a stomp, twirl, and what can do that?

And here's a recommendation from the same place that offers videos of Jarvis Cocker talking about Star Wars, so it must be exceptionally reliable, The Rumble Strips. They're a bit like the bands that are hitting the radio a lot now, thick accents, shouting and a tad eccentric, think 1990's and The View. Yet, The Rumble Strips have the added benefit of brass, creating a sort of Madness feel about them. Check out, "Alarm Clock". I could say its like my alarm clock, but I have programmed it to wake me up to the "Latino Beat" option, so in the morning I feel pumped and like dancing.

Here's another treat, Brendan Canning from Broken Social Scene, some how achieving the ultimate cool, without even trying, "Churches Under the Stairs". PAS/CAL recently released their first full length album here's a track, "Summer is Almost Here". The style is like that of me on the beach in summer, because after living here, everything is freezing. This song makes me very happy. And anything that includes men running in animal suits, has to be good, "Tane Mahutta"by The Ruby Suns, a sort of African infused indie-pop.

Plus, 80's is making a come back, first Ladyhawke, then the Mystery Jets (This Sunday! I am there! I could touch them there!) and now La Roux. (not really my thing, but I am painting a picture) Plus Keane's new stuff sounds, especially, "Spiralling" like soon leg warmers all round. And I am not complaining, well, besides my legs looking like they're malformed.

Plus, The Virgins and (Bad video, can't find the official, but look, you can have a sing along!), The Ravonettes (90's anyone?).

2008 was a pretty good year for music, Vampire Weekend, MGMT, Duffy, Ladyhawke, The Last Shadow Puppets, Fleet Foxes and releases from The Killers, Coldplay (the only downfall to this is their new "image", what are they? Before they were your usual, normal guys, like you see on the street, besides the lead naming their kid "Apple", half of the appeal and now they're what? "Freedom fighters"? Bad Spanish movie extras?), Goldfrapp, Snow Patrol, The Verve, Martha Wainwright, Flight of the Conchords, Death Cab for Cutie, Sigur Ros, Mystery Jets and Keane. Thats a pretty amazing line-up, theres a festival right there. And to promote music even further, even queer core, "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist, which was just about the god of teen movies this year, Juno being last years.

The only downfall being that of Miley Cyrus, the evil demon she is.

So 2008 was a great year for music but 2009 is looking pretty good too.

To end, Ida Maria, whose just a tiny bit cool.

"Streuth!" - Australia

Well, thanks to suggestion I now have an "o", but it takes an awfully long time, and I am basically a very lazy person. That would have been my New Years resolution, to be less lazy, to stop procrastinating, but I changed it. I want to be one of those people who don't put things down and then spend two hours trying to find it again, to then find it hidden inside a lamp because you thought that was a logical place. That might not be a type of a person, that might just be me.

I leave my this dear old country in about, exactly, actually, ten days. Its a tad scary, but I guess it really is just an extended holiday, I'll be back before I know it and avoiding everyone, shamed. But its a big thing! I have spent eight years here! And I am not even crying, or at least feeling like eating fudge, instead I am thinking over what hats I should be wearing (is a beret too much?). Am I completely apathetic?

Maybe not as proven by today's trip to the cinema to see Luhrmann's "Australia" (Which was slightly funny as I smsed stating I was going to Australia and received replies saying they thought I was leaving later and that they were worried thinking I meant the actual country. I thought that was funny. Maybe they didn't. I am a complete bitch, sooner people realise this, the better.). I cried in the movie, maybe in patriotic spirit, maybe wrapped in the intensity of the movie or maybe from sheer embarrassment (but I cried in Ice Age too, so its not much to go by.) The movie was, in a word, fine. Fine is what you say when you're not really fine, but you don't want to let on, as the great man of words, Dylan Moran, would say. But there is no other way to describe it, it was just "fine". It slightly played up to the idea of Australians, despite being a well established Australian director ("Moulin Rouge", "Stricty Ballroom"). I am pretty sure in the 1940's, no one really said "crickey", especially not a prim English woman (Who shockingly embraces the Australian life.). It was a bit predictable, really. On the positive, the movie provoked emotions, had lovely scenery, Diver Dan and some good ol' mateship.

The movie, had this perfect opportunity to simply end, it was happy, looked like the start of some feel-good movie, flowers, laughing children, kissing, near to birds chirping kind of feel good. And it was perfect, I would have left a happy girly.... And then it went into the war and the fight to keep the half-caste child. It made it seem like it was "okay" to steal the Aboriginal children, that the Stolen generation was fine because everyone was so damn happy. That is wasn't really a disgusting deal that lasted until Mr. Whitlam came in the 1970's. The 1970's, that's not even 50 years ago.

But I guess Australia needed a film, besides "Crocodile Dundee" thanks, so that's now done and we can sit back and continue drinking, being filthy and calling each other mate. Because that's what we do.

2 January 2009

t0 1337

The reas0n I have n0t been bl0gging is due t0 the fact my "0h" key isn't w0rking, instead I am using the zer0 key making me seem like a 1337 speaking geek g0d, which, I sadly have n0t yet achieved.
Anyway! H0pe y0u had a g00d Christmas and a g00d year t0 c0me! I started my year trying t0 jump s0me0ne and then watching the Dramatic Chipmunk (which is a prairie d0g! My! F00ls!) 0n repeat. I mean, if h0w y0u spend y0ur new years is h0w y0u spend the rest 0f the year I am d0ing pretty alright as 0pp0sed t0 last year, watching Underw0rld. Th0ugh I enc0untered n0 h0t werew0lves s0, 0bvi0usly, thats a c0mpete myth.

And thanks t0 Jesse f0r my sec0nd bl0gger award!
Have a g00d 0ne.