2 January 2009

t0 1337

The reas0n I have n0t been bl0gging is due t0 the fact my "0h" key isn't w0rking, instead I am using the zer0 key making me seem like a 1337 speaking geek g0d, which, I sadly have n0t yet achieved.
Anyway! H0pe y0u had a g00d Christmas and a g00d year t0 c0me! I started my year trying t0 jump s0me0ne and then watching the Dramatic Chipmunk (which is a prairie d0g! My! F00ls!) 0n repeat. I mean, if h0w y0u spend y0ur new years is h0w y0u spend the rest 0f the year I am d0ing pretty alright as 0pp0sed t0 last year, watching Underw0rld. Th0ugh I enc0untered n0 h0t werew0lves s0, 0bvi0usly, thats a c0mpete myth.

And thanks t0 Jesse f0r my sec0nd bl0gger award!
Have a g00d 0ne.


Anonymous said...

That was funny! aRe y0u seri0us?


Matthew Cochrane said...

Couldn't you just copy a "o" from a web page and paste it whenever you need one?

Ecchi said...

Ha! The dramatic chipmunk, man, I showed you that!! Haha, first time I watched that I was pretty much rofling. Dude, no, fishmonger! The hot werewolf is mine! You get the one with re hair! DOI!!