3 July 2009


Finished work experience and now have a very deep relationship with the 'Heaps Good SA' tshirt due to continuous stacking and folding, general touching. I suggest you all buy it, wear it overseas and promote South Australia and its awesomness. Too right.

Did you know that four cups of tea a day is good for you? Scientists have discovered (with funding by the Tea Council of the United Kingdom, coincidence? Of course not, pfft, sheesh) that drinking tea is revitalising, nourishing and full of goodness. So there you go, the English are getting it right. The other day a man said 'Wa-er, naugh-y, for a country that drinks so much tea you'd think they'd get the letter'. This followed his statement about how 'hot' the Super Nanny was.

Anyway I really don't have much to say besides obvious self promoting of South Australia and tea drinking. So I'll leave with this relatively new video by the band '
Dananananaykroyd', how cool is that name? Just listen to them to say their name, casually into conversation, if possible...'oh this? Oh (hahaha..highly superior laugh) this is Dananananaykroyd...you don't know them? Really?' Its meant to be a take on the Batman theme and that Blues Brother, Dan Aykroyd. You know? DANANANANAAAAAAYKROYD!!!!


Soren Lorensen said...

yeah I am English and

my mum won't speak to anyone in the morning before she has had two mugs of tea, and then she takes a third mug on to the train.

but I prefer coffee.

Lavender said...

best. bandname. ever.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i've been into the smiths after Charlie's Playlist from Perks of Being A Wallflower. I should be set, then, tea wise...