25 September 2008

Are they the lemmings? Or are you Cliff?

A time when Rik Mayall was seriously shaggable and rather funny too.

I love quotes, they unite people as one due to the fact that we are usually unable to think of anything witty to say ourselves so therefore, steal. How many times have you found a deeper connection with someone due to the use of a quote? My friend and I rely upon quotes to keep the conversation going, without, I don't think we'd be able to communicate.

Perhaps one day the world will become a wittier place, where Stephen Fry is our hailed master and we are all quite interesting and quite clever and quite witty too. This would be nice. I will live in this world with Hannah.

Hello Hannah.


doctawho42 said...


doctawho42 said...

btw, in vain I tried to introduce someone else to the pink polenta gorgeousness thats floating round the interweb and it failed. really bombed. and, oh dear, i have to say your blogs are just darling. I'm so glad you update so regularly. i just dont kNOW what i'd do. OFF TO SCIENCE NOW. yAy.

Befuddled said...

God - i hate you!
One: How come you find such good stuff?
Two: How the fuck do you get youtube vids on IN the posts! I can only put then on a bloody tool bar!
... I love you really.
Just so you know.
How could I not love you?