26 September 2008

This is Why my Parents Shouldn't Allow Nights Alone

When karate/ kung fu people do their moves their not actually shouting "wa chow" or anything, they're in fact yelling "SAMTYLER".

I have come up with this after much thought and testing to karate moves around the house, apply it to your life and normal day to day karate moves. It makes sense.

Think about it, yeh? Its an act, yeh? Trying to trick the mind, yeh? Subliminal messages, yeh? Yeah.


doctawho42 said...

Sam Tyler...but, wha? why? I mean I love him too, but that doesn't mean everyone goes round screaming his name out. well, kung fu masters anyway. ughhh, why are they obsessed with sam? poor sam. oh dear. WHO THE HELL IS JOHN SIMM???? heheh, you better have watched the last episode of series 3 of the boosh, cause that last bit doesn't make sense without it. like most things. long comment. wouldn't be so long if I was just speaking it. speak speak.

doctawho42 said...

OMG, yes, yes, I re-read it. and. wow. yep, It makes a little more sense. Maybe Sam is a fan of kung fu and the kung fu people are trying to reach out to him, drag him back to the fake world. Although he wouldn't be alive right now, because in the spin off version "Ashes to Ashes" they said he dies like 10 years after the end of the series. V.sad. Oh, and another one....its a massive add campaign by the BBC to subliminally try and make people watch the show. but that wouldn't work because the BBC have no money. so, your theory is poo.