6 September 2008

Pearls of Wisdom

Today I came up with the following when stating I've become rather numb to everything.

"The shit is always hitting the fan, so basically I'm covered in shit but I can't smell it"

Besides the disgusting visions now playing in your head, (I envision myself screaming, with my mouth open unable to stop the fan from spinning, whilst edging closer and closer toward it, whilst it spins out of control and I am left moving backwards, like in those corny movies.) its a tad emo isn't it?

Well, can't be as bad as the time I saw a butterfly and said, totally out of the blue, "I wish I was a butterfly because they only live for three days"

What I meant was they remain pretty for those three days but it just came out in a mess sounding like a suicidal hot line help call. Am I turning emo? Well, at least I'll fit back into Adelaide, perfectly.

Go to Adelaide, if your old, a farmer or an emo. Then! Be killed savagely because thats the way we do it.

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