18 September 2008


I want this to be my life.

I don't care about the jumping, I could deal with that


doctawho42 said...

m.m.m.m.yyyy science. this. is it. this is the best ever thing i have ever seen. ever. dot. dot. dot. dzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
freaking hell, i was actually thinking much like that the other day. well, not in a white suit, but in a completely black one, which is a bit different, in a subtle but essential way.
gah, but seriously. i would give you cereal if i could for this, amazing.

Anonymous said...

I love it!
Also, though. Thsis is to Miki! -
I found your blog! Awesome cool by the way and i would tel you on YOUR blog but the stupid thing WON'T LET ME COMMENT. ARGHHGGGHGH! So i'm telling you through here. Maybe you see it, maybe you don't.
Oh! Person who's comment is concurrently above of me ( i was going to say on top but decided that might not be best). Do i know you?
Nowsa Goodesbyes.

Anonymous said...

When are we seeing what your pick-of-the-week/month thingo from that awesome friend of yours? Is it soon, or no?
I woudl like to see which (if any) made it through the extremely tough selection process.
Just arasking
Did you hear about No Flies on Dave?
(i refus to be anywhere near normal)