18 August 2008

Italian Spiderman!

A few days back my brother rang up and informed me of "Italian Spiderman" the amazing internet hit (t-shirts, youtube front pages, soundtracks from record companies, over 10 million youtube hits), that, shock horror! Originated from his university, Flinders, in Adelaide. Its a parody of all those terrible Italian movies from the 60's, its a bit bad taste but hilarious. And, its from Adelaide, now if your not convinced now I don't think you ever will be.

It started off with a tiny little trailer featuring this movie namely, "Italian Spiderman" and from there the hits rose so much that the group, Alrugo Entertainment decided to make a whole series. With the growing popularity they were offered a number of deals and feautred on television all around the world, including Italy. There is a fictional plot to the story that it is a true film that was deemed unviewable or such by the Italians and therefore unable to be shown in cinemas. From there the film was lost at sea but then to be finally recovered by the people at Alrugo Entertainment and broadcasted to the world via youtube.

Heres the clip that started it all

This faux trailer was created in a day as a final screen production for Flinder University. It achieved its vintage style by being shot on a genuine 1970's camera.

Strangely, there are a lot of people who believe it to be a real movie from the 1960's. Particularly demonstrated by those who comment on youtube "finally, the movie can be released to the world".

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