25 August 2008

Woah, my Head.

As seemingly requested (one in counting) heres the:

Top Five Movies that Make You Think Your High When Really, Your Not.

In the previous decade i have noticed a fine number of films have come out that give the impression of an LSD/ Hash high, could this be because of drugs becoming prohibited and a substitute is needed or simply because the film makers though "oy, Steve, ain't this look trippy". Anyhow, heres the top 5, beginning with:

5. A Sore for Sighted Eyes

Primarily, this is a movie from TV Carnage which is basically short segments (three to five seconds) of some of the weirdest bits of TV footage in the world. Heaps of special effects are added and you are left with this feeling of "what the hell", as warned, it makes you think you are in fact relatively high.

Be warned also that Rosie O'Donnell is featured from that Hallmark movie, I think the one where shes retarded. Well, at least i think so, its kind of hard to tell (well, usually anyway but also) once your heads spinning at Keanu Reeves going "fwoosshhh" and making odd movements with his hands. Elements don't really add up and its just a basic blur of nonsense.

This is a sequel and is supposedly better than the first? And look! Official selection! Phwoar! It must be good!

4. I'm Not There

This movie had a stellar line up, Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, the late Heath Ledger (the two would later work together on the new Batman, which, for all those out there is amazing but kind of..you want it to end, but you don't, and at the end you cry about Ledger and its all rather sad) and Richard Gere, all playing the folk master, Bob Dylan at different stages throughout his life.

It seems damn amazing really, doesn't it? And it is on the whole but you are sort of left wondering what the hell is happening? A giant whale pops out of nowhere and gobbles you up, everything switches from place to place, time to time, name to name, your heads left in a whirl and you think maybe it would make more sense if you were stoned.

Although the movie is wondrous in many manners, Bob Dylan officially authorized the movie and you can see why, it is rather for the Dylan "in-crowd" if you don't know every edge to him then it won't make much sense. Blanchett is amazing and plays Dylan almost too well to the point of you believing it is him. All performances are amazing and the dialogue is stunning but its all a bit trippy for me which is why it makes it into the list. Not only does it make you feel high but perhaps it would be better if you were.

(for a laugh check out Bob Dylans Victoria Secret ad)

3. A Scanner Darkly

The film is based around drugs, thats one of the core elements (Trainspotting also, but that movie doesn't have the same credentials as this one on the tripometer, even with the baby on the ceiling). Its all animated and everything seems kind of hazy, blurry and unless your paying full attention your mind begins to wander as you stare at the characters articulate their words with that funny mouth thats drawn onto them. Again, Keanu Reeves plays a major part (and the way he talks you begin to wonder, is there a bit of experimentation in his youth? Woah.)

Basically this movie is wonderful, clever, witty, amazing, a work of art but its just watching it you feel in a different reality, which may be the point, but the reality sucks you in and your gone which is why it makes the list. Your in a different reality and one highly odder than your own. (Plus on our DVD it keeps switching from black to white, is this meant to happen? Cause that just adds to the whole experience even more. "Hey man, check this out, its Reeves in slow mo and black and white". Woah.)

2. Help!

This movie is shot, as quoted, "in a haze of marijuana" and between shots the clean cut Beatles would run off to have a joint, so obviously, this movie would make it into the list as the effects of their drug taking is rather evident, if not for the fact their eyes are quite bloodshot and they seem to giggle. A lot, and not even at Ringo Starr's not quite perfect acting. (In the scene where George Harrison shouts his "fiendish" line -Harrison stated as being the best actor out of the Beatles- Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney run but run over the next hil (and jsut seem to keep running)l. Later it was revealed so they could have another joint)

This was the second movie by the Beatles and had a considerable larger budget than a Hards Days Night and meant that scenes on the Alps and the Bahamas (Harrison stated that on the plane flight to the Bahamas everyone just smoked pot) could be accommodated for. The movie has no exact plot and was basically made up along the way and follows the pursuit of Ringo and the Ruby ring on Ringo's hand that when the light passes over it make...ohh..pretty patterns...annnd..ohh..

Although, I have to say, I truly adore this movie, it doesn't make much sense but the comedy is innocent ("The Exciting Adventures of Paul on the Floor") and sweet much like the music ("You've Got to Hide Your Love Away") and the acting is not really spot on with most lines mumbled or jokes missed but its still a beautiful little piece of work, if not just a fantasy of the Beatles.

1. The Fountain

If I eat the magical plant, I can live forever!

Enough said.

Well, not really for this truly breath taking movie.

But enough for you to understand why this movie makes the list.

And thats it folks. Next I shall count down something as equally amusing as this.Such as, exciting paint colours to watch dry. First up-Olive Green.

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