23 August 2008

And now for something completely different

Have we lost all sense of innocence? So were 15, right? 15, 16, that sort of age where things are meant to start heating up. And they don't. They ultimately don't, they suck and are nothing like those American "dream teen" movies which make everything seem like some kind of amazing riot! Against the system! Revenge of the nerds! Kind of thing that never quite occurs and instead we get the shit bullied out of us and end up having a crud time that is also damn boring. So we try and "heat them up" ourselves. How? By the miracle of joy juice, and I don't mean that disgusting concoction here in Singapore, namely, Kickapoo-Joy Juice, I mean alcohol, booze, plonk, the whole bit.

But I'm not in.

So, I'm a prude, uncool (listen to this song- "Can't Stand my Baby" by the Rezillos), whatever. I just don't see the point, we are only two years away from being of the legal drinking age, therefore of the age where we can act like complete tossers and have a reason for it, because, basically thats what booze is for. Although, I don't really need the fun juice due to my vegetarianism, sugar is absorbed into my blood stream pretty damn quickly and causes quite a few results. One coke and I'm off dedicating my Ronan Keating karaoke to a friend, falling in a puddle on my ass in the attempt to find fire works, giggling insanely and quoting my theories on practically everything to then fall asleep in a bathroom. Yes, I think I've got the routine down pretty well. It could have been due to falling down in a puddle and hitting my head. Sadly, the reason I fell in the puddle wasn't the norm, slip in a puddle that I didn't see there, no. Instead, after desperately searching for what sounded like fire works (French fire works, I might add, as I shouted. I think coca cola needs a warning label) I saw a puddle. Seeing the puddle I thought, "hell, I'll jump in that". So, running up I jumped into the puddle in my Doc's to fall straight on my ass and lie there for a while. I have this idea that if I lie there for awhile then people (although there was truly no one around me, because, for some odd reason no one seemed interested in my hunt to find French fire works) might think I fell over on purpose. Which reminds me of a time when I was on a swing. Thinking it would be fun, I jumped off on the climax of my swing. Soaring, I fell flat on my face. As my condo is positioned so everyone who happens to look out their window can see the swing I lay there for quite a long time, thinking that if I did, people would be under the impression that I had meant to do that (when really, thinking about it, they could possibly think I was unconscious.). I lay there until my father, walking back from the guard house told me to get up, not questioning the reason why I was seemingly eating lawn.

What I meant to say is, we can have our own fun. I'm not preaching, I generally don't care if people want to kill their brain cells (My mum stated as her number one reason for me not to drink that I really can't afford to lose any brain cells, why thanks), thats just what happens. Its the rebellion idea, but how is it rebellious when your parents don't even care if your smashed? Theres no thrill in that, no "hot hot heat". So then why? Well perhaps it could do with the fact that they are so utterly boring and tight arsed without it that they need the juice to free themselves up a bit but let me tell you, when your having trouble forming the word "hair" then you haven't succeeded in being a riot at a party.

Its all becoming awfully luke warm, I think I might go get some Kickapoo Joy Juice, now theres a laugh.

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