26 August 2008


At my place this Friday, I'm having this massive pillow fight, with around 20 people coming. So a pillow part, although that does sound utterly wrong. Broaching the subject with my parents, they seemed only concerned with one thing:

"You have that many friends?" -My mother stated in half shock, thinking that a get together with my friends would be about five of us sitting around eating cheese and cucumber sandwiches with perhaps a bit of pop to spice things up.

"Yes, yes I do, as weird as that may seem"

My father than, coming out of his shock attack at the fact that his daughter might actually have friends and might actually like her and gasp! Shock, horror! Might not be the complete social reject that he thought she was, jumped to the logical conclusion.

"Oh, no you don't. They're using you, tell them they can't come round"

Sadly, this was not news to me and this conversation occurs on a regular basis ("You're going to a party on Friday night? You? Party? With people? Friday night?") and despite my efforts to prove that yes, I do actually have a group of friends with a rather large number, that yes, it includes boys and yes, they're not using me as I haven't really got much to be used for, it still comes as a shock to my parents. In the end, they agreed, stating that they only say such comments to protect me and to stop whining about them downing my self-esteem as they really are helping me, I just haven't figured it out yet.

Although, after that conversation, the following morning my father said "so what wossies am I going to beat up?".

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